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Traditional Oriental Medicine

Acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM) is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, prevent illness and promote well-being for thousands of years. The ancient Chinese recognized a vital energy behind all life forms and life processes. They called this energy Qi (pronounced Chee). In a healthy person Qi flows within specific energetic pathways called “meridians” in a harmonious and healthy way. Disease is considered to arise due to a deficiency or imbalance of energy in the meridians and their associated physiological systems. Acupuncture involves using extremely fine, flexible needles as one tool to correct the deficiency or imbalance of Qi. They are inserted into specific acupuncture points on the energetic pathways leading to the organs, muscles and nerves of the body to help restore the proper flow of Qi. Modern science has been able to measure the electrical charge at these points, therefore corroborating the locations of the meridians as mapped by the ancients.

Acupuncture is only one part of the whole spectrum of Traditional Oriental Medicine. TOM also includes herbal therapy, moxibustion, nutrition and diet, Tui Na (medical massage), meditation, and exercise such as Tai Qi and Qi Gong.

Stress Reduction


A primary benefit of acupuncture treatment is to relieve stress. Acupuncture has a history of proven results for instant stress relief. Medical research has shown that the brain chemical serotonin is released during acupuncture treatment, providing feelings of deep relaxation and well-being.

Higher levels of anxiety have been implicated in lower conception rates. Stress and overwork boost heart attack risk and aggravate conditions such as Irritable Bowel Disease. Stress and isolation may also increase the risk of Breast Cancer.

401-fh recommends regular visits for our clients to alleviate current stress—which underlies all illness and discomfort—and to prevent future stress from taking root in the body.

Sports • Orthopedics   Pain Management


Injured muscles don’t work properly; in a sense, a switch gets flipped and they are “turned off.” The body compensates, putting stress on other muscles, which causes more strain, and puls the skeleton out of alignment. Acupuncture can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine which muscles are not functioning optimally, and then turn specific muscles back “on.” As recognized by the World Health Organization, regular acupuncture treatment can enhance athletic performance by both accelerating recovery from past injuries and helping to prevent future injuries.

Holly Mitchell will combine western medical knowledge of the myofacial system with Chinese medical knowledge of muscle motor points (areas within the muscle where spinal nerve innervates with and feeds the muscle) to help patients resolve pain and restore functioning to muscles and joints. We work with a patient’s team of health care providers—physical therapists, massage therapists, and orthopedic doctors—to enhance and speed healing

Gynecology • Fertility        Reproduction

Traditional Chinese Medicine with its emphasis on cycles and balance is an ideal modality for addressing issues related to the female body including: endometriosis, fibroids, irregular menses, painful menstruation, and infertility. For men, acupuncture and herbal prescriptions are effective in helping to raise sperm motility and morphology, increasing the chances of conception.

The process of trying to conceive can be extremely stressful. Stress negatively affects the menstrual cycle and disrupts hormone production. Acupuncture treatments can alleviate stress and encourage hormonal balance, improving the odds of reproductive success.

Oncology Support

According to the World Health Organization, Acupuncture has been proven effective in reducing common side effects of cancer treatment including: decreasing or eliminating symptoms of nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy; managing peripheral neuropathy; aiding in sleep; and alleviating depression. Chinese medicinal herbs have been shown to boost the immune system and increase blood cell production.

Herbs and acupuncture together may encourage cancer to stay in remission after chemotherapy and radiation treatments have ended.

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